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The Old Homestead have very kindly let the  Transtion Town Pt Chevalier  Garden Group create a garden in a piece of their land on Pt Chevalier Rd.

We are very excited to be able to spread the word about growing food in the city, and to increase the amount of food we can grow beyond that limited by the size of our own gardens.

This Sunday ( 28th June) we will be having our first working bee there, at 9:30. Everyone is welcome, and we’ll be going ahead rain or shine.

We would love:

* newspaper
* woollen carpet
* a donation of sheep pellets would be appreciated
* any demolition gib you may have
* mulch (anything of organic origin without added chemicals, eg
leaves, old kapok pillows, woollen or cotton clothing, garden
waste, straw, grass clippings, hair)
* broadbean seeds (if anyone happens to have a supply)

If you want to drop these things off beforehand, I’m sure that’ll be OK with the people at the Old Homestead. Leave them on the grass patch in the back corner, which is just past the carparking. Just make sure they won’t blow away, by containing materials in bags and placing some of the blocks or wood that are there on top.

If you can come and help, GREAT! You might like to bring a spade, gloves and a raincoat. Nothing like physical work to keep you warm in the middle of winter! 🙂

Any queries, ring me, (Heidi) on 8465646