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Great Urban Rides Update

We are really pleased with the amazingly positive response we received to the idea for creating Great Rides in Auckland (which we like to call Great Urban Rides).

Everyone we have shared the concept with have been able to appreciate the huge potential in making Auckland part of the NZ Cycleway Project and a cycle friendly city for tourists and locals.

For your information here is a link to the proposal that went to the Ministry of Tourism.

We already know it is not going to be picked up as part of the first announcement of initial rides to receive funding (expected any day) but we have taken significant steps towards developing routes and gaining support.

We will next be seeking the official support of Auckland City Council as a potential co-funder and key stakeholder so we are ready to make an application once the Ministry announces the proposed funding criteria.

Thank you for support, interest and feedback

We will keep in touch as we make progress.
Pippa & Julian
Pippa Coom
Membership secretary
Cycle Action Auckland
ph    021 926 618
Julian Hulls
Nextbike New Zealand Ltd
021 154 8371