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Grey Lynn 2030 May Community News

7 May 2010
In This Issue:

  • Grey Lynn 2030 Monthly Community Meeting
  • Grey Lynn Farmers Market
  • Focus Group updates
  • Have your say on the Super City – Our Auckland Campaign
  • Community Composing Facility at Wilton Street Community Garden
  • Bring it together symposium
  • Sustaining Auckland – the role of Trees
  • and more…..
What an amazing turn out!

Grey Lynners who took part in the May Day March of tens of thousands were first treated to free coffee and bread & butter pudding at The Little Grocer. Well done James Samuel & Finn Mackesy who took part in one of the most creative elements of the march with the CRAPping protest. Check out the photos and read more about this form of ironic anti -protest on James’s blog here.

Submissions on the Government’s mining proposals are due by 26 March. It just takes a minute to send a submission here.

The major disruptions caused by the Icelandic volcano with the unpronounceable name has given us the opportunity to reflect on the vulnerability and resilience of our own community. Read the post here from Transition Culture on this theme. Interested in up skilling and developing practical knowledge of how to develop and improve local resilience? Check out details of the Community Resilience workshop here.

At a local level there are so many interesting ways to get involved and take action. Through our focus groups there is the potential to have an impact in our community with urban design, traffic calming, waste & water management, the arts, gardening – anything you think adds to the vibrancy of our neighbourhood. Also this month Grey Lynn 2030 is hosting:

Would your networks like to know about Grey Lynn 2030 or enjoy reading this month’s community news? Please forward it on.

Grey Lynn 2030 Monthly Community Meeting
Wednesday 12th May
7.30pm – 9.30pm
Grey Lynn Community Centre
S#!T happens – deal with it!

This month the Waste Away group present an informative and entertaining meeting of ideas, tips and practical advice on dealing with waste.

Guest Presenters
Sunshine Yates “Household Waste & Recycling in Auckland City”
Dorte Wray “Towards Zero Waste”

With updates from the Wasters on a range of exciting new initiatives

Be in to win the Waste Away raffle with a fabulous range of goodies including Bokashi bucket and Zing donated by the Waste Away group; Solar Monkey – portable solar charger for sml digital devices donated by PLANIT EcoStore; String bags and produce bags donated by ReThinkNZ Big picture.

Why not bring a long a friend to the meeting? All welcome

In other WasteAway News

Calling all Bokashi Bucket fans and those keen to learn about this novel way to process household foodscraps…..at this Sunday’s Grey Lynn Farmers’ Market, Neville Burt an organic farmer and Director of Bokashi Ltd based in Christchurch, will be at our market from 10 to 10.30am to answer any questions or queries you may have about the foodscrap Bokashi Bucket composting method. Come along this Sunday to meet Neville and members of the WasteAway team.

Worm Farming and Bokashi Composting at Garnet Station
Garnet Station in conjunction with Grey Lynn 2030 Wasteaway invite you to a FREE introductory demonstration of Worm Farming and Bokashi Composting at Garnet Station Café.

Wednesday, 19 May
Sessions start from 08:30 and run throughout the day.

Reduce Foodwaste and enrich your garden !

Grey Lynn Farmers Market
Sunday 9 – 12.30pm

Did you know that the idea to set up a Grey Lynn Farmers Market came out of one of the first community meetings of Grey Lynn 2030? Access to locally sourced food is a really vital part of our vision of a sustainable community so it was great to see the market get established so quickly through the efforts of a small team committed to practical action.

The Market has been in operation since September 2009 from 9am-12.30pm every Sunday, except the last of the month, at the Grey Lynn Community Centre (the permanent home of the market). At the grand opening there were queues out the door but now a visit to the market is a much more relaxed occasion with plenty of room for mingling amongst a large variety of stalls selling Japanese & French pastries, home made pies, fresh breads, seasonal produce, ginger beer, preserves, cheese, honey and much more. There is also a fabulous play area outside for the kids, and story telling with Phineas Phrog each week.

The Market is community owned and operated so needs continued local support to survive and grow. A common misconception of the market is that it is expensive which has put off potential shoppers. Regulars however will tell you that a switch to seasonal shopping at the market results in big savings. Recent examples include 10 golden delicious apples for $2, 10 large avocado for $7 and masses of bargains from the Ooooby stand where you can take excess produce from your garden to sell.

As well as supporting the market by shopping there for your weekly supplies, the Management Committee is looking for volunteers who can assist for no more than a couple of hours a week. The market also welcomes new members who contribute $30 per year and receive 10% off produce. Check out the website (www.glfm.co.nz) for details or visit the information desk at the market.

Focus Groups – what are they up to
The steering committee of Grey Lynn 2030 fosters and supports a diversity of projects which emerge from the community via focus groups (Waste Away and Wilton Street Community Garden are 2 of our very active groups). It just takes practical action from our supporters to make stuff happen. Why not get involved?

Green Screen
There is a dedicated team keen to make Green Screen happen again on the last Friday of the month but unfortunately Green Screen is without a home. If you can help with a venue email Pania at greylynn2030@gmail.com

Traffic Calming
What do you think would make our community more enjoyable for pedestrians and cyclists? a few ideas:
– 40 km speed zone through the West Lynn shops
– traffic calming on Dryden Road (and other streets with speeding problems)
– improved pedestrian crossings
Email the action you would like to take to Pippa greylynn2030@gmail

We would like to see more water fountains so there are less incentives to buy bottled water (seen the movie Tapped ? We’ve put details on our website about all the reasons NOT to buy bottled water).   Anyone know how we go about installing one and how we source the water? Please contact Pippa greylynn2030@gmail.com

Urban Environment Group
A new Grey Lynn 2030 focus group with the aim of:

  • protecting the unique and special heritage and character of our historic city suburbs (the largest remaining concentration of edwardian/victorian wooden houses in the world)
  • advocating for urban design that promotes sustainable and healthy communities (eg by encouraging active modes of transport, restoration of our natural and cultural heritage and better urban planning)
  • supporting urban design projects that positively contribute to our environment and our community

Want to get involved? Email greylynn2030@gmail.com

Have your say on the Super City – Our Auckland
Our Auckland invites everyone to have their say on the Super City. Voting will be possible for 8 days via the Our Auckland website. Also ballot papers will be printed in The Aucklander newspaper (free with the NZ Herald yesterday and next Thursday). There will also be a more detailed survey on the website for people to express their views.

Photocopies of the ballot paper are welcome, and completed papers can be sent to Our Auckland, The Aucklander, PO Box 32, Auckland Mail Centre. Ballot boxes will also be available at libraries in North Shore City and Rodney District, Ponsonby Community Centre.

The Auckland Community Development Alliance

The Alliance hosted workshop last week was attended by an incredibly diverse range of organisations, communities and community development passionate people from right across the Auckland Region (including Grey Lynn 2030). See here for story and workshop summary reports on key themes and recommendations on the proposed Social Policy Forum.

Wilton Street Community Garden
Community Composting Facility

The Wilton Street Community Garden recently completed construction of our new Community Composting Facility. Located in the garden at the top of Wilton Street, the facility consists of three large wooden bins designed to turn local organic waste into usable garden compost.

The bins are easily accessible and designed to be user friendly. Now we would love people to start using them – shops, households, offices, gardeners – anyone who has organic material currently going to ‘waste’. The bins are labelled 1,2 and 3, and only one will have the IN sign on the front at any time. This is the bin to tip your waste into, when this bin is full, the IN sign will be shifted to another bin.

The system is a trial so we would appreciate it if you would support this community facility and spread the word to others. We don’t want to encourage rats or the spread of weeds so please;


  • organic green waste only – such as grass clippings, garden waste, vegetable matter, coffee grounds, non-meat food scraps.


  • meat or fish, plastic, oil, glass, or large woody tree prunings
  • no pest weeds such as oxalis, wandering jew or jasmine.

Anyone who has questions or requires a plastic bucket to transport scraps please contact: Mandy

Grey Lynn Community Garden – find out more details here. ‘Growing Together’ every Sunday afternoon 4pm~6pm in Autumn.
Contact: Christine

Bringing it together Symposium
What will it take to create a Just, Sustainable, and Fulfilling Future?
“You can no longer save your family, tribe or nation.
You can only save the whole world”.
Margaret Mead
We are really pleased to be hosting the internationally acclaimed symposium “Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream” in Grey Lynn for the first time on Saturday 8 May.

The Symposium will be led by experienced, local facilitators Carl Chenery, Maya Nova, Crea Land and Peta Joyce. Registrations are now closed for but please email Carl if you would like to be notified of future events.

Find out more at http://awakeningthedreamer.org/

Sustaining Auckland – the role of trees
Saturday 5th June,
between 2pm – 5pm
Grey Lynn Community Centre

The Tree Council presents a not to be missed event, ‘Sustaining Auckland – The Role of Trees’, to mark Arbor Day and World Environment Day.

Urban tree protection and planning legislation has been in headlines over the past year. Why is it that people feel so strongly about trees? How complex and sustainable is Auckland’s urban forest? How can the planning system be used to improve the vitality of our treescape? Find out more how trees contribute to our physical and mental wellbeing.

More details of the panel of speaker here Plus panel discussion and questions, and afternoon tea.

You need to RSVP by 2nd June to help with catering.

Did you see the video of the West Lynn Street Party?
Check it out here.

We received feedback that a lot of locals didn’t know about the Street Party & Twilight Market in March. The whole event was organised on a budget of only $100 so any publicity was just what we could get for free (thanks Martin from Ponsonby News). We also rely on our supporters to help publicise our events. Please encourage your local contacts to get on our email list by sending their details to greylynn2030@gmail.com. Hopefully next time the whole community will know when the party is happening!

The Ooooby berm bomb outside 101 Richmond Road is doing really well. It has got the neighbours talking to each other and provides a conversation starter for people waiting at the bus stop.

The Council’s mowing contractors have so far been avoiding the vege garden. Ooooby are at the market each week. Check out details of the launch of the Ooooby- Versity in Grey Lynn here.

And a final thought

It is Fairtrade Fortnight until 16 May – a chance to make the Big Swap
Let’s get as many people as we can to swap as much as we can. Get active, challenge your friends and swap your usual stuff – your coffee, tea, bananas, chocolate – even your cotton tee shirt –  to Fairtrade stuff.

In particular we are supporting all good bananas to get Fairtrade bananas sold in our local super markets. Join  ‘Give a Bunch’ or write directly to Progressive to let them know you want them to switch to Fairtrade bananas.