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Our Auckland – vote today

We are supporting the Our Auckland campaign.

It takes just a couple of  minutes to complete the Our Auckland people’s referendum and answer questions about the re- organisation of the Auckland Region into the “Super City” .

Go to the website here to log-in to vote  (you need to be on the electoral roll in the Auckland Region to vote). Voting closes at 5pm today (Friday 14th May)


Please also forward on the link to everyone you know in Auckland


OUR AUCKLAND is a coalition of groups and individuals from across the Auckland Region who want the new Auckland Council to work – and to reflect the aspirations of the people of Auckland. The Campaign is being run with the support of the Aucklander newspaper which come free with the Herald on Thursdays.

Whatever your political persuasion there is so much in the restructuring to be really concerned about especially the assault on democracy, the lack of transparency in the process, and the failure to undertake any cost benefit analysis (it is going to cost Aucklanders more $)

The third Bill is about to be reported back – this referendum is the last chance to influence what the Government decides will be the shape of our future city – whether we will have a democratic city or a corporate city

The Our Auckland campaign is seeking:

• The decision regarding Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) (which services should be delivered by them, if any, who is on the boards and how they are appointed) to be made by the incoming Mayor and Councillors and be based on their vision for Auckland – not be made by the Government in advance.

• The setting up of CCOs to be delayed until after the new Council is elected and settled in. The status quo should remain until then.

• The Local Boards to have real decision-making powers and adequate budgets and resources allocated via an appropriate formula set out in legislation to deliver local services and local accountability.

• The Local Boards, Council and CCOs to be formally linked together so that decision making and accountability can be communicated, accountable, effective and efficient.

• The Pacific and Ethnic Boards to be made permanent to ensure New Zealand’s most culturally diverse region has a strong and sustained influence in decision making.

• There to be a binding referendum of the people of Auckland before any sale of substantial public assets can be made and for all public assets to be held on the people’s behalf by the Auckland Council and not be transferred to the CCOs.

• Requirements for CCOs to have public meetings, publish agendas and minutes, and consult on issues affecting communities to be set out clearly in the legislation.

• Three dedicated Maori seats as per the recommendation of the Royal Commission.

Find Our Auckland on Facebook – join the Our Auckland Group.

And follow OurAuckland on Twitter.


Our Auckland

Our Assets

Our Future