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Grey Lynn 2030 June Community News

4 June 2010
In This Issue:

Grey Lynn 2030 Monthly Community Meeting – The Art of Grey Lynn
Grey Lynn Farmers Market – On this Weekend
Waste Away and other Focus Group updates
Winter Solstice and Matariki Celebration
Wilton Street Community Garden
Green Screen is Back!
Entertainment happening locally – supporting  the Grey Lynn RSC
Our Community – Chickens at home course

Highlights from our June issue – to receive the full version please email us at greylynn2030@gmail.com

A fresh new look for Grey Lynn 2030

Over the last month we have quietly started using our new banner and logo (you may have noticed the change to our Facebook profile)

It has taken a lot of time and talent from many people to finally reach an image which we think reflects our vision and our community.

We would like to thank the many people involved right from the beginning almost 2 years ago.

Grey Lynn 2030 Monthly Community Gathering

The Art of Grey Lynn

Come along to an evening in celebration of our local artists. A chance to mingle with the artistic talent of Grey Lynn & Westmere and find out what inspires them about their local community.

With updates on planned art events and projects – share your ideas too.

Guest speaker Bernadette Brewer from Toi Ora: Live Art Trust

With many of our local artists including Louise Rive and Chuck Joseph from Edge City (the final guest list will be on our website)

Entry by Koha. Drinks and nibbles provided

Grey Lynn Farmers Market

Sunday 9 – 12.30pm

The Grey Lynn Farmer’s Market is on this Queen’s birthday weekend! (and every Sunday except the last of the month when the Market makes way for Kraftbomb)

Waste Away

On Wednesday 19 May we teamed up with Garnet Station Café and took our passion for food waste reduction to the “street”.

With a small information stand in front of the café right next to the bus stop and with beautiful weather to support us, we spend our day talking to lots of interested passers by about home composting, worm farming and the bokashi system.

Winter Solstice and Matariki Celebration

Come and celebrate
June 26, 5.30pm
St Columba Church Hall, 92 Surrey Cres. Grey Lynn

Wilton Street Community Garden

We are looking for Volunteers to help with the garden – why not just pop in on Sunday at 10am or contact Mandy

Here is a photo of Maia taking her compost to the new Community Composting Facility located in the garden.

Green Screen is back!

Thank you to all of you who made it to see the movie ‘Dirt’ for our re-launch; it was the biggest Green Screen audience yet!. With nearly 60 people we completely filled the garden room, making it a true cosy community movie evening.

Dirt  ( http://www.dirtthemovie.org ) was a thought provoking and inspiring film highlighting the importance of restoring health to damaged soil around the world, and maintaining the areas which are still full of life. We were urged to each ”do the best we can”. This can start in our own back yards with growing some of our own food, or planting native plants. Dirt (Soil) is the ultimate natural resource for life on earth and needs our respect and care.

We welcome visitors and new members: This month apart from our members nights on a Wednesday night – we have 7 day a week faclilties-we have no cover charge for entertainment:

Entertainment Happening Locally

  • Friday 4 June 8pm – band ” Easy” local lads playing reggae ska and dub
  • Sunday 6 June Queens Birthday weekend 4pm band “Kiwi Express” country rock n roll  and old favourites
  • Friday 11 June 8pm band “Peta & the Pois” playing pop/jazz and blues
  • Friday 18 June 8pm band “The Alibis” playing jump swing and rhythm and blues
  • Sunday 20 June 4pm mid winter Christmas party with band Robbie Maxwell & Dave Curltis -bring a $5 wrapped pressie and Santa will give you a pressie back- note this is R18 and for members and visitors
  • Friday 25 June 8pm band “Rebel Without Applause”- rock/pop and 80’s and 90’s favourites

Enquiries greylynnrsc@hotmail.co.nz