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Strong support for a Grey Lynn Business Association

We had a lot of interest in the Grey Lynn Business Association kick-off meeting held on 14 July.  It was a great turn out of a diverse range of Grey Lynn businesses. We were really pleased to have David Tippitt there to share his knowledge and provide continuity with the former Surrey Cres Business Association

We see the establishment of a Grey Lynn Business Association as a logical extension of our vision of a connected, vibrant, local community.  We are proposing that a ‘GLBA’  is part of Grey Lynn 2030 so it is important to us that the Business Association shares our sustainable vision and suits the unique character of Grey Lynn  which includes lots of people working from home who are not usually part of a traditional business association.

Some initial ideas for a Business Association that came out of the meeting (What would make you want to join?)

  • Fun, funky, interesting, social
  • Support for each others business.
  • Networking, community focus
  • Inclusion of retail shops and people who work from home (plus bigger businesses and property owners like Progressive)
  • Sustainability, values based focus
  • Local projects e.g waste minimisation, support for local schools
  • Online register of businesses and services (with a range of categories to ensure all groups are able to be listed  such as the GL Community Centre)
  • Local retail promotions e.g street markets like the successful West Lynn Street Party and Twilight Market we held in March (see the video here)
  • Lobbying function to the new Auckland Council
  • Beautification of Grey Lynn – for example the Grey Lynn Foodtown wall along Williamson Ave
  • Set a vision for our area so we can work  with the new Local Board
  • Shared resources for people working from home, school holiday programme

Further issues discussed:

Targeting Rates Cr Easte was able to provide insight into how the Mainstreet programme has developed and how becoming a Business Improvement District ( a BID)  involves targeted rates that won’t capture all the businesses in GL.

Advantages of using rates were discussed, such as being able to have a paid coordinator,  develop programmes (like crime prevention)  and pay for street improvements. A business association operating through the Council system can have associate members to ensure all businesses/groups can be represented.  A follow up comment was made that the GLBA idea should be developed so it fits the unique needs of GL rather than be made to fit Council requirements first.

What area should the GLBA cover ? There are various hubs in the Greater GL area but there was general agreement that the area of a GLBA could logically extend out to the Westmere shops on Garnett Rd and the Richmond Road shops (where Ripe is) as well as West Lynn and Grey Lynn businesses/shops on Surrey Cres.

Next steps

  • Small working group formed  (interested people so far – Sunshine Yates, Ellie Tullet, Julie Falvey,Tania Miller, Brett, – Suzanne Kendrick and Pippa Coom supporting role and GL2030 reps)
  • form an incorporated society  (Dave Tippitt has offered to transfer the remaining funds of $1200 held by the Surrey Cres BA to a new GLBA)
  • working group to consider options to working towards being a BID/ Mainstreet (which will take a year)

Anyway interested in the Grey Lynn Business Association proposal can email Suzanne or Pippa at Greylynn2030@gmail.com. Updates will be made via our Monthly Community News.