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Green Screen Presents: the Power of Community

The Power of Community is an inspiring description of how the people of Cuba overcame the loss of most of their oil supply; how they worked together at the grassroots level to feed themselves and move forward, into a lifestyle that is probably superior to what they had before.  Run time: 53 minutes. http://www.powerofcommunity.org

Also presenting: Jungle Space

Jungle Space is a short photo essay with music made by Green-Screener, Steve Edwards who employed what he calls the ‘manky-montage-motif’ editing technique to convey a jungle vision for the urban-suburban habitats of Tämaki Makaurau. What unfolds is the story of the Jungle Spaces’ themselves – that are and could be – as told by a foot-path chalk narrator who provokes the viewer to let the light bulb go on by instigating or joining-in the transformation from ‘chit-chat’ into community-wide action. By using the asphalt as a medium for anarchistic communication, its inert functionality is altered as the chalk insights people with maths to ‘evolve’ by walking beyond their talk.

Duration 3min 40 sec. JungleSpace.tiff

Come along and join us for thought provoking viewing, discussions, and a drink.
When: Saturday 25th September, 7pm
Where: Grey Lynn Community Centre, 510 Richmond Road
Entry: $2

Coming up for October Green Screen: Fierce Light on Saturday 30th October at 7pm