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The Big Book Cover-Up

Help cover books for the Auckland Prison Library

Saturday 13 November between 10am and 4pm.
Librarians will be on hand Books will need stamping, covering and pocketing ready for loan to the prisoners at Paremoremo. Books are vital for the well-being of the men who have no access to radio or television and may be locked down for 23 hours a day.

Sausage Sizzle
Live Entertainment Grey Lynn Style
Jez Titterton and Karl Benton
Grey Lynn Ukuladies and the 3 Gees
Michael Goldwater and Celia Palmer Jazz Sax
Community Event. All Welcome

Book donations invited

For more info contact Sue Gee Ak 8363 099, mob 0274 783 086, or Barbara Austin Barbara.austin@corrections.govt.nz