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A new era for Grey Lynn 2030

Grey Lynn 2030 becomes a Trust

Nearly four years ago I spotted a small notice in the local paper asking “Do you want to be part of creating a positive future for Grey Lynn? – come along to a public meeting”. I found this an intriguing invitation a ta time when I had decided to make Grey Lynn my long term home and was wondering about how to get involved in my community.  The meeting was my first introduction to Transition Towns and the group Grey Lynn 2030. As I learnt, Grey Lynn 2030 is a  local response to a global movement that encourages communities to transitionto a low carbon future by creating resilient, vibrant, and sustainable neighbourhoods.

From the beginning I have found Grey Lynn 2030 to be a wonderfully positive, supportive and creative organisation with which to be involved. So many great initiatives and projects have sprung from the resources and energy of a small number of committed citizens.  The Grey Lynn Farmers’ MarketGrey Lynn Business Association, Grey Lynn Community Choir, Wilton Street Community Garden, Waste Away, Green Screen  are all groups that have been kicked off by orcontinue to be supported through Grey Lynn 2030. There has also been submission writing, community events such as Grey Lynn Creates, and countless informative talks and presentations.

However, the one thing holding Grey Lynn 2030 back has come down to the lack of any legal status. The group has been run by an informal steering committee with minimal funding from donations and fund raising events. All this changed last month when, with the assistance of Hopetoun Legal, we became the “Grey Lynn 2030 Transition Community Trust”. The current steering committee of me, Suzanne Kendrick, Dianna Tawharu, Lynn Green has been joined by Colinda Rowe, Charlotte Gordon, Chris Olson and Sarah Guppy to be the first Trustees.    Suzanne Kendrick, the driving force behind Grey Lynn 2030’s impressive online presence, has taken on the role of Chairperson.

Grey Lynn 2030 is now on a more stable footing to support further initiatives such as time banking, energy and water projects. One of the first aims of the Trust is to achieve a financial position to appoint a part time co-ordinator.

There is always a warm welcome to anyone who would like to get actively involved with Grey Lynn 2030. There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer with the existing focus groups like Waste Away or develop new projects.  Or you might just want to be part of the wider Grey Lynn 2030 network which includes over 4000 friends on Facebook, a regular newsletter and an active website at www.greylynn2030.co.nz.

Personally I have gained so much since attending my first Grey Lynn 2030 meeting. I’ve met great people, learnt new skills and received vital support to help me get elected onto the local board.  I am delighted that Grey Lynn 2030 has now got a secure, sustainable future as a new Trust.

Pippa Coom

Grey Lynn 2030 column in the June Ponsonby News

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Email greylynn2030@gmail.com


Grey lynn 2030 Trustees Charlotte Gordon, Sarah Gubby, Colinda Rowe, Chris Olson, Lynn Green, Pippa Coom and Suzanne Kendrick