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Flavour of a community

Flavour of a communityCommunity notice on behalf of Gael Baldock

The Grey Lynn, Westmere and Ponsonby communities owe their character to the people who choose to live here. To be one of us is to be open hearted; accepting of diversity,: passionate about human rights, the environment and community. I lovingly refer to my home as being on the border between “Gay Lynn” and “Westqueer”. To me it is no joke as it perfectly describes my community. 

Post wartime areas of state housing were built and the government also, following the UK example, bought houses among to community as part of the social policy of “Pepper Pot housing” to intergrete low income earners into the community to avoid slums and discrimination. This has been a very successful social experiment that has shaped the unique character and personality of this area that we love.

Sadly that has changed. It is my understanding that over the past 3 years, in a government driven policy to sell assets, Housing New Zealand is systematically removing tenants from the Grey Lynn / Westmere area to enable these houses to be sold. I live in a HNZ house in Warwick Avenue and I have been given 90 days notice to vacate my home of 20 years in what feels like a “witch hunt”.

Whist on paper it might look good to sell houses that have increased from $180,000 GV to over $850,000 in 20 years, to rebuild in the same area is not going to happen. Also each of these houses are on sections too small to accommodate two dwellings. Forcing out of tenants to sell these houses will change the whole nature of Grey Lynn.

It is important that the whole community works together to stop this. Please tell your neighbours, especially all HNZ Tenants, to save our community character.

4.30 – 6.30 Saturday 10 May
Gardern Room
Grey Lynn Community Centre
510 Richmond Rd.

Flavour of a community