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Bike friendly neighbourhoods

Back in July 2009 Grey Lynn 2030 hosted David Engwicht author of “Mental Speed Bumps – the smarter way to tame traffic” . He inspired many in the community to think about what we can all do to make our streets safer, calmer and more civil.

What came through strongly from Grey Lynners was a desire to be able to walk and cycle safely. There was strong support for the Waitemata Local Board’s Greenways Plan consulted on in early 2013 but since then slow progress has been made on active transport improvements. However with the increased cycling funding from the Urban Cycling Investment Fund (announced in December 2014) and the Auckland Council’s transport levy we can now look forward to a huge push on the roll out of safe and pleasant cycling connections.

Auckland Transport is currently seeking feedback on Pt Chev to city centre (the Inner West) cycling improvements and proposed cycle routes in our neighbourhood.

Bike Grey Lynn, an informal community of cycling enthusiasts, have put out some tips for making a submission.

It just takes 5 minutes to think about the roads you (or your kids) do or would like to cycle along and let AT know. What do you feel are the danger spots to cyclists along those routes (Meola roundabout, Great North Road through the Grey Lynn shops, turning from Richmond Road into Farro?) – add them to the map on your feedback form, or the online maphttp://haveyoursay.at.govt.nz/cycle-improvements….

Here are some of the points that we’ll be making:
– We need separated cycle paths along all the major roads – especially those which run past our schools.
– All the major intersections need to be made safe enough for cyclists of all ages.
– Pedestrians walking along major roads should be given priority over cars turning in and out of residential streets.
– The speed limit on residential streets should be reduce to 30 or 40 km/h

Feedback can be made until 5 April (consultation period has been extended)

Let’s beat the retreat from the street and help make our local roads the best in Auckland for walking and cycling!
