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Plastic Free July 2018 – Update

Grey Lynn 2030 Waste Away (GLWA) and the Grey Lynn Business Association joined together to help make Grey Lynn plastic bag free this PLASTIC FREE JULY. A quick update:

The extra push to make Grey Lynn plastic gag free during July was very successful in that that the Grey Lynn Business Association engaged actively in supporting businesses in trialing paper bags. Our Grey Lynn 2030 Waste Away group sewed 120 bags and gave them to Grey Lynn shops to give away for customers. Quite a few of the participating businesses observed a distinct change as in their customers bringing their own bag, or happily accepting an alternative to plastic.

With last week’s NZ Government announcement of phasing out single use carrier plastic bags by the end of July 2019, this clearly offers an incentive for Grey Lynn to become completely plastic bag free. We continue supporting businesses who are transitioning and encourage you to support them by Bringing Your Own Bag (BYOB). Thanks for making this happen!

Have your say on single-use plastic shopping bags: http://www.mfe.govt.nz/plasticbags

Did you know? Sew Grey Lynn is running a monthly sewing bee. Visit our Grey Lynn 2030 Facebook page for upcoming dates. Everyone is welcome!

BYO Bag Label Grey Lynn final June 2018