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Grey Lynn Waste Away Update: Plastic Free July 2018

Grey Lynn Waste Away (GLWA)

GLWA did have a few great opportunities for wide exposure in July 2018, offering affordable products to the wider community and starting great conversations about waste minimization, practical tips on how to reduce household waste and having fun while doing so.

Zero Waste Hui on 25th July

A celebration of zero waste in Auckland – The programme included presentations, panel discussions, creative workshops. Speakers included Sustainable Salons and panel discussions about the state of recycling and social enterprises. There were lots of great community stalls with heaps of different ways of taking care of papatuanuku.

New friends made at the Hui:
The GLWA stall generated great interest among hui participants and people were happy to have such wide spread of fantastic products for such good prices available. Click here to view the official photos of the Zero Waste Award night.

We would like to extend a big thank you to Lynn, who prepared the GLWA stall stock and made up a special price list for these events. Hope you got some goodies!

Zero Waste Living – An evening with Bea Johnson on 19th JulyAs part of Plastic Free July, WasteMINZ hosted an evening with world-renowned zero-waste advocate Bea Johnson at Auckland Girls Grammar School. The event attracted more than 400 people and was sold out.

Bea Johnson (a French native who currently lives in California) and her family adopted a zero-waste lifestyle more than a decade ago; their household now produces just a small jar of rubbish each year.

With her blog and bestselling book Zero Waste Home (translated in 17 languages), Bea launched a global zero-waste movement and continues to inspire a growing community to live simply and take a stance against needless waste.

Tip: Bulk Finder. Visit Bea’s website for an overview of bulk food stores around the world https://app.zerowastehome.com/

The GLWA stall received a lot of interest and we thank everyone who came to see us!

The inaugural Sustainable Future Collective Forum “Getting Wasted” at the University of Auckland on 18th July

The event was hosted by University of Auckland’s Sustainable Future Collective; a club dedicated to opening up the conversation of sustainability and making it part of our daily lives.

The evening covered a vast range of themes, including Plastic / marine waste, Minimising / zero waste, Food waste, Sharing / circular economy and Sustainability. There were fantastic speakers and a panel facilitator from varied backgrounds.

Niki Harre – Associate Dean Sustainability at the University of Auckland facilitated the panel discussion with Amanda Chapman – Founder of Griffith Gardens Community Fridge, Zero Waste Blogger (Amanda in Waste-Free Land) and Tiny House builder, Emily Frost – Science Advisor at Our Seas Our Future, Ryan Dyment – Co-Founder of the Toronto Tool Library and Sharing Depot, and Mark Neal – Waste Minimisation Coordinator at the University of Auckland.

The GLWA products were well sought after by students, as they are not only reusable products, but also very affordable!

For further details look up their Facebook page more great events coming up: www.facebook.com/pg/sustainablefuturecollective/

Plastic Free Grey Lynn – launch Sunday 1 July 2018

To kick this off, Grey Lynn 2030 Waste Away had as stall alongside the Grey Lynn Business Association on the background of the weekly Farmers Market. The event was supported by a newspaper origami workshop; and many children and adults made their origami bin liners/ veggie holders (I made an onion/garlic container which is still great a month later). Others came to seek their preferred alternatives to single use such as reusable produce bags, coffee cups and food wraps and teaching me something new to add to my tool box of reducing waste. Cool to find so many are on the train already. Often people may be ‘change ready’ but offering attainable alternatives can aid progress along the sustainability journey.

Grey Lynn Waste Away meet once a month on the third Thursday, 7.30pm at the Grey Lynn RSC. 2018 dates: 20 September,  18 October, 15 November

Please contact us by email if you have any questions: greylynn2030@gmail.com

GLWA table