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Plastic Free July

In July 2019, the NZ Government banned single-use plastic bags and invested millions into plans for NZ’s first 100% recycled plastic food packaging scheme. Great first steps! Many of us have been working hard to reduce our plastic use, although as you can see from even weekly shopping– it’s almost impossible to avoid completely.  However, we must see a similar investment into stopping the plastic being produced if we’re to have any chance of stopping the plastic tide. Recycling alone is simply not going to fix this problem. Grey Lynn 2030 Waste Away, along with Plastic Harvesters and Greenpeace New Zealand got together to hold the first NZ Plastic FREE Action on the final weekend of Plastic Free July – Watch the video!

Many thanks to Lyn Collie from craftmediaworkshop.com for the video.
Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Plastic Action-Grey Lynn -28.07 (1)