Traffic Calming Group

In July 2010 Grey Lynn 2030 presented to the Western Bays Community Board about traffic issues in the West Lynn area and proposed traffic calming initiatives.  The results of a survey undertaken by Grey Lynn 2030 and Walk Auckland highlighted many of the concerns.

Survey of 118 people 97 (82%) live in Grey Lynn

  • 61% concerned about the volume of traffic in Grey Lynn .
  • 78% concerned about the speed of traffic in Grey Lynn.
  • 78% concerned with the safety of pedestrians from traffic in Grey Lynn.
  • 85% concerned with the safety of children from traffic in Grey Lynn.
  • 50% think it is not safe to cycle in Grey Lynn.

Traffic issues in West Lynn

  • Excessive speed
  • Hazardous to cross
  • Excessive traffic
  • Lack of “local shopping centre”
  • Illegal parallel parking
  • Failure of ad hoc measures eg Removal of car parks

Proposed solutions:

Cohesive package of traffic calming measures. For example:

  • Speed reduction
  • Signage “ welcome to West Lynn” “ Slow Village”
  • Raised surface through shopping area
  • Crossing islands
  • Intersection improvements on Richmond Rd (Warnock St, Peel St and Surrey Cres)

Update from 2009:

West Lynn Parking Issues
West Lynn residents have already been busy this year looking at solutions to deal with traffic issues. In late 2009 the Auckland City Council responded to residents’ concerns about traffic flow and parking access in and around Francis Street by prosing a P120 parking permit restriction to one side of Francis Street and giving residents, who have no parking on their property, the option to buy a permit for exemption @ $150 each permit. Council distributed a survey to Francis St residents indicating that if 50% of residents agreed to the introduction of the P120 it would be implemented.

Street parties
GL2030 has a street party pack including the group’s banner and bunting

Beautification of Food town wall on Williamson Ave
Ideas including taking inspiration from David’s supermarket wall in Wadonga,  could be graffiti bomb, commission Kate Millington for glass mosaic, and/or street furniture

Intersection of Surrey Cres/Richmond Rd (where it is very dangerous to cross)
Guerrilla roundabout installed on a Saturday morning with GL2030 banner, plants, props and red carpet for pedestrians to cross at on Richmond Rd

Guerrilla road signs
Speed reductions symbols with a variety of different designs styles

Gateway for main entrances to Grey Lynn
Show we have a distinct traffic  “culture” plus specific signs/banners/flags for each of the local shopping centres and along streets

Traffic calming day/week to raise awareness
Combined with street parties, guerrilla signs activity

Ask all people in Grey Lynn 2030 to take a pledge to drive less and more slowly and extend this to the wider community

Traffic calming Survey
Undertake survey to determine specific concerns and improvements desired of the community

Children’s workshop
Using David Engwicht’s Taming dragon wagons workshop

Problem streets
A letter has been drafted that can be used as a template for circulation to neighbours interested in sharing traffic calming ideas (starting with Kelmarna Ave)

Adoption of berms/design of the berms
Council has agreed that Westmere School can adopt 2/3sets of chicanes on Larchwood Avenue. A member of the Water group is going to approach the council to discuss the berm designs to improve water management and collection

Grey Lynn Farmers market – encouraging walking/cycling
Help is needed to make signs  saying:  “Lock your bike here” “Walk, skip or cycle to the market: Leave your car at home”.  “Only 10 mins walk from here” etc . Can anyone volunteer?

How about holding a street party?

Massey Matters has put together a guide for organising a BBQ or party in your street.  The Brits have been into this for years. Here a couple of excellent guides on how to do it. The British one has what every UK street party needs – how to make bunting

Mental Speed Bumps – the smarter way to tame traffic
David Engwicht, artist, write, street philosopher, story teller, was in Auckland in July 2009 at the invitation of the council’s urban design group inspiring people to re-think their presumptions about traffic calming and their relationship with vehicles. Grey Lynn 2030 hosted a community meeting where David called for an “outbreak of civility” as the first step to transforming Auckland!