Plastic Free July

There is great community and business support to go plastic bag free, but to make a long- term change, we need everyone’s support and participation. We are working hard to provide several alternatives for others:

  1. We have trialled with branded Plastic Bag Free Grey Lynn re-usable bags being available around the village. Retailers could sell them for $5, which supported “Sew Grey Lynn” continuing making reusable bags.
  2. Fabric bags available to borrow (and then return in the Boomerang Bag style) if people have forgotten to bring a reusable bag. We are working out where in the village these will be – Shop owners, please let us know if you want some to be available at your premises.
  3. Many retailers already use boxes/paper bags and sell or giveaway their own re-usable bags.
  4. We encourage customers to “Bring Your Own Bag” (BYO Bag).

Have a look at some of the shop window displays for Plastic FREE July. Grey Lynn, let’s just do this!

Plastic Bag Free - Phil Goff