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Sew Grey Lynn

Sew Grey Lynn was started in early 2018, with the purpose being to create and donate reusable bags to local businesses within the West Lynn and Richmond Road retail areas. The group was begun in order to continue encouraging our local businesses to be active, participating members of our sustainability mission and become plastic bag free!

The team got together to sew over 100 reusable BYO bags to donate to Grey Lynn businesses during Plastic Free July that year. Sew Grey Lynn is an aspect of the Grey Lynn 2030 Waste Away group that supported the NZ legislation of phasing out single-use plastic bags, which came into effect on 1st July 2019. The group is temporarily inactive. If you have an idea about a sewing project or are interested in volunteering time/ expertise to the team of sewers, we would love to hear from you! infogreylynn2030@gmail.com

Sew Grey Lynn